AC Voice Appreciates: Bathrooms!

I snapped this pic through that window and sent it to my dad last spring

I’ve already written about how active my bladder is, so it should surprise no one for me to appreciate some of my favorite bathrooms on campus. Thanks to them, I’ve only peed my pants like twice since coming here!

The best bathrooms, hands down, are the Fayerweather bathrooms. They’re roomy, single-occupancy bathrooms with decent lighting and a convenient hook on the door for your coat. Perfect for performing your favorite bodily functions, reapplying lipstick, trying on new clothes (in those cases when you just picked up a package from Keefe), or weeping. I have done all of these things and more in the Fayerweather bathrooms.

Another bathroom that deserves a shout-out is the third floor Merrill women’s room. It’s only really noteworthy for its exceptionally large anteroom. If you’ve been in this bathroom, you know exactly what I’m talking about. The anteroom is spacious, well lit, and complete with two huge mirrors that face each other. And unlike so many bathrooms on campus (I’m looking at you, Charles Pratt restrooms), the lighting and mirrors actually work together to be quite flattering. I like this anteroom so much that I once ate my lunch in there just for fun.

Finally, the bathrooms on the second floor of Webster get the award for most scenic. They boast a spectacular view of Memorial Hill and the mountain range beyond it, thanks to a huge window.

I snapped this pic through that window and sent it to my dad last spring
I snapped this pic through that window and sent it to my dad last spring

It’s easy to get swept up in all of the pressures of Amherst College, but it helps to focus on the little things. Having a moment to yourself in the Fayerweather restroom, checking out your reflection in the spacious anteroom in Merrill, or enjoying the view from the Webster toilets can help alleviate the pressure. Especially if it’s gas pain.