Apply to Write for AC Voice

We strive to include a wide variety of writers who best represent the Amherst College student body and what it’s thinking about. AC Voice is not only a medium for authors to share their thoughts, but a workshop community for our staff to develop their ideas with one another, learn about online publishing, and improve their writing.

All ACV writers post every week or every other week, and must attend two staff meetings per semester. You can download the application form here. Please email your completed application as a PDF attachment to us at We also encourage submissions for guest editorials that can be posted anonymously or not under our “featurecreature” account.

Alternatively, consider joining the new AC Voice Investigative Reporting Team! This group will dig deeper than traditional coverage of campus goings-on to uncover and publish breaking news at the College. Click here to download the application. Email with your completed application or any questions about the project.


Have a lot of thoughts/feelings about something you’ve read on the site? Make sure to leave a comment! The writers and other readers want to know what you’re thinking. We do not tolerate posts or comments that are intended to be disrespectful to our writers, readers, or any community. We reserve the right to delete or edit comments when they contain language or themes that we see as limiting to the progress of thoughtful discourse.


Interested in advertising on our site? Send us an email at for our negotiable advertising options, which can include images on our homepage, sponsored guest posts, or sponsored links within existing articles.

All images on AC Voice are readily accessible on any search engine. If you own the rights to any images on this site and want them removed, do not hesitate to contact us.